Knowledge Organization Systems provide the foundation for searching and retrieving information objects across digital collections and cultural heritage information systems. Starting from case studies this course provides an introduction to knowledge organization systems and their practical application in research contexts.
This blog post from EHRI introduces 'quod' (querying OCRed documents), a prototype Python-based command line tool for OCRing and querying digitised historical documents, which can be used to organise large collections and improve information about provenance. To demonstrate its use in context, this blog takes the reader through a case study of the International Tracing Service, showing workflows and the steps taken from start to finish.
A partnership between Kazerne Dossin and EHRI was established to enable sharing of metadata with a broader audience. This partnership resulted in changes to the practices of cataloguing archival materials within Kazerne Dossin. Using the example of the Lewkowicz family collection, this article focuses on the revolution Kazerne Dossin went through while standardising descriptions, and on the tools EHRI provided to optimise the workflow for collection holding institutes.
Thesauri, taxonomies and other forms of controlled vocabularies represent a conceptual backbone of the research, playing an ever-increasing role in various aspects of the data management process. These resources are indispensable to determine common understanding allowing to systematically categorize and enrich research data in a consistent manner, as well as foster the data interoperability and integration among projects and web applications.
This event, organised in the framework of the TRIPLE project, provided insights into the use of “topical vocabularies” and their use in metadata curation and quality assessment in the Social Sciences and Humanities (in the EOSC context). The sessions introduces learners to have a better understanding of the interoperability challenges faced within/by the SSH branch of the EOSC, and be familiar with some initiatives related to metadata curation and enrichment in the SSH.